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20 Gauge Shotgun Jag The best way to clean your shotgun fast! A brass spear tip shotgun jag draped with a patch completely covers the inside of the barrel for a better job of cleaning. A brass spear tip shotgun jag draped with a patch completely covers the inside of the barrel for a superior way to clean your shotgun barrel. Each shotgun jag is stamped with the appropriate gauge for easy recognition during cleaning. To use this jag on a rifle rod, you will need the Item# AD1 Shotgun Adaptor. It adapts the threads from #8-32 Rifle to accept Shotgun Size threaded accessories with #5-16/27. Jag is stamped according to size for easy recognition. American Standard Shotgun #5/16-27 thread. Item Nr.: 610-J20
Brand Name : Pro-Shot
Distributor : Nordicmarksman.com
Distributor Product ID: None
Distributor SKU: None
Caliber: None
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