Green Beret Land Navigation Tips: How To Know Your Pace Count | Tactical Rifleman

Tactical Rifleman

Land Navigation is a important skill that many take for granted. Too many people have grown dependent on GPS technology. Sometimes we need to get back to the Basics... Azimuth & Distance from Point-A to Point-B. Azimuth requires a Compass and a Map. Distance just requires you to have a good Pace Count. Pace Count? Watch the Friggin Video... That's why I made it. Then, get outside, mark off 100 meters, and walk it off enough times to determine your pace count. Need a Compass? Skip the Chinesium crap and go with a REAL Compass. Karl (and the military) gets his from Cammenga. ( They make the best Lensetic Compasses with Tritium inserts (for night use). Use promocode: TACTICALRIFLEMAN to save you 20% Like our Channel? YOU can support Tactical Rifleman by becoming a patron on Patreon My favorite source for Night Vision, Thermal Imaging, Riflescopes and Lasers - Want the same gear as Karl check out the NEW Amazon shop For more go to Follow us on Facebook: Instagram: Twitter-



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