10th Cav Buffalo Soldiers vs Police - Bisbee, AZ - July 3rd, 1919

In Range Tv

In what hopefully will be the first of many episodes regarding the Red Summer of 1919, we discuss what were the drivers to the horrific events of 1919 and focus on one specific event - the Battle for Brewery Gulch in Bisbee, Arizona on July 3rd, 1919. If you'd like to read the full text of the memo sent by Colonel J.L.A. Linard (underneath General Pershing's command) to the French command, you can do so via this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jid41qe1cr8o9pj/WW1-BlackAmericanTroops.pdf InRange is entirely viewer supported: https://www.patreon.com/inrangetv



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