Half Baked? Nutnfancy on Sig P322


I'll start off with a rant against Sig and what they apparently think of Nutnfancy and how I ran my Sig Cross review. It shows how childish this industry remains. It's enlightening. But life goes on and I run the Channel as an adult, unbiased. And you guys still demand gun reviews so I keep doing them. Prepare for more truth. It would seem the Sig P322 with its 20 rd magazine is now broadly touted as the "best .22 pistol made," this by all the paid off GunTubers and bloggers. Hmmm. We'll even though I'm less enamored with Sig as a company than I used to be, if this P322 is awesome I will gladly tell you so. Lots of infield testing takes place with different loads shot. Hilarity ensues: Wyatt's rant infield, set in the video, makes me laugh so hard I cry. Really funny. And the humor comes from yet again an over hyped gun that fails to perform. It's so predictable as this point it is hilarious. So I'll go through all the points of the P322; the design is mostly excellent but it has a flaw. No doubt it will be corrected. But why issue yet another half baked gun? Don't you guys do REAL testing on your products? Of course lots of guys are mentioning work arounds and special loading procedures to make the P322 work better. But a squared away product should need none of that. A much better competitive option is shown and one I bought myself. TNPrs who donate to me in Patreon make the continuation of TNP possible! https://www.patreon.com/Nutnfancy You can now donate to TNP via PayPal if you'd prefer that method, humble gratitude from us for that support: https://tinyurl.com/y5zzf9tq Subscribe to TNP on UGETube because YT is attacking my Pro Freedom/2A voice here and my days are numbered: https://ugetube.com/@Nutnfancy Sub to TNP GAB feed: https://GAB.com/nutnfancy Kusiak leather holsters: https://tinyurl.com/y36haop3 Kusiak Leather Signature (super thin, super awesome, used by Nutnfancy): https://tinyurl.com/y6phoxe2 Kusiak American IWB: https://tinyurl.com/y5klyg2n Kusiak Old Fashioned IWB, amazing leather quality, check out that brown: https://tinyurl.com/y4zkdka3 Lightning “Fireball” mini OTF two tone green tanto https://shrsl.com/3jgsz Lightning “Fireball” mini OTF two tone green CLIP blade https://shrsl.com/3jgt2 Lightning “Fireball” mini OTF black two tone tanto https://shrsl.com/3jgt1 Lightning “Fireball” mini OTF black satin CLIP blade https://shrsl.com/3jgt4 Streamlight TLR weapon lights (we used the 1, 7, 8 series) https://shrsl.com/3ifcy



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